# of watchers: 36
Fans: 0
| D20: 8 |
Wiki-page rating | Stumble! |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
This wiki was created by [Ultra Hunger] on December 20th, 2004 And then it was erased by [Ultra Hunger] and restarted clean slate on April 4th, 2007
2005-07-27 [Shadowsoul]: what are you the goddess of? *asks sternly and stops her from disappearing*
2005-07-27 [DenDen]: O.o who me?!
2005-07-27 [Shadowsoul]: both of you!
2005-07-27 [Homewrecker]: im not
2005-07-27 [Shadowsoul]: then what are you doing in the realm of the god/dess'? This is not a place for mortals
2005-07-27 [DenDen]: ohhhh I thought U meant jessi cause u didnt say names u just said you O_O but Im the goddess of Sin my dear
2005-07-27 [Shadowsoul]: oh yes, you got that job yesterday, what is she doing here then?
2005-07-27 [Homewrecker]: i feel like being here and if [Ultra Hunger] asks me to go then i will
2005-07-27 [Shadowsoul]: right, would you like to become a goddess?
2005-07-27 [Undertow]: you have to ask him to be one, lol jaqui was an exception to the norm....oh yeah..hello all
2005-07-27 [Homewrecker]: yeah
2005-07-27 [Shadowsoul]: morning *smiles softly*
2005-07-27 [iCh3wi]: Urgh, your not related to me, I don't know you, etc etc.
2005-07-27 [Homewrecker]: i know butim trying to figure out what i want to be the goddess of
2005-07-27 [iCh3wi]: Hmmmm........h
2005-07-27 [Undertow]: lol, ahh it's good to see another sibling group that loves to hate one another...
2005-07-27 [Shadowsoul]: you'll have to look at the list though
2005-07-27 [Undertow]: lol...i just thought up something funny....i'm not recommending this position for anyone but i think it would be funny if we had a male god of PMS
2005-07-27 [Homewrecker]: yeah thats waht i should be!!! i have and i dont remember seeing that one on there!!
2005-07-27 [Shadowsoul]: *giggles* that would be funny
2005-07-27 [Undertow]: .............i
2005-07-27 [Shadowsoul]: you probably wouldn't understand
2005-07-27 [Homewrecker]: y? do i dumbfound u?
2005-07-27 [iCh3wi]: We don't hate each other, she just has to admit she's retarded at times.
2005-07-27 [iCh3wi]: You sure as hell dumbfound me.
2005-07-27 [Shadowsoul]: he's here! he's back
2005-07-27 [Homewrecker]: i knwo im retarded im just one those few who isnt ashamed of it! i dumbfound myself
2005-07-27 [Undertow]: ....no it dumbfounds me that you want to be the MALE GOD OF PMS
2005-07-27 [iCh3wi]: Lolol. Are you talking about me Shadow?
2005-07-27 [Shadowsoul]: nope, [Ultra Hunger] is back
2005-07-27 [iCh3wi]: Ah, that's what I thought.
2005-07-27 [Homewrecker]: no thats not what i was talking about i was talking about what crowe said not what u said i want to be the GODESS OF MORTAL DEPRESSION!!!
2005-07-27 [Undertow]: oh...okay i thought you were talking about what i said
2005-07-27 [Undertow]: oh btw go here i think everyone he may think my new shit is funny god of wisdom's smartass comments 2
2005-07-27 [Homewrecker]: got time on ur hands do we?
2005-07-27 [Undertow]: nah a friend sent those to me on myspace
2005-07-27 [Homewrecker]: ohhhhhhhhhhhhh
2005-07-27 [iCh3wi]: Lol. Hey Jared, don't yell or say anything just either say yes or no ok? Amber would like for you and her to be friends again and wants to put the past behind you two and try to be friends again. Just tell me yes or no ok? She's real down today and really wants to talk to you. So are you going to do the humane thing and say yes, or sit back and watch the world go by?
2005-07-27 [Undertow]: yep, she's got too much time on her hands, i just happen to have a similar since of humor
2005-07-27 [iCh3wi]: So your saying........
2005-07-27 [Homewrecker]: is that a yes or a no!!
2005-07-27 [Undertow]: i was talking about what your sister said...the answer to you is no as well
2005-07-27 [iCh3wi]: Here is what she said before I tell her no. "just tell him its ok i just wanted to fix things with him and if he doesnt want to i dont blame him i just wanted to try"
2005-07-27 [Undertow]: ....and i don't want to do SHIT i'm happy the way i am
2005-07-27 [Homewrecker]: your pathetic
2005-07-27 [iCh3wi]: Wow! You really are un-emotional and like to watch the world go by. Hmmmmm........
2005-07-27 [In_memory_of]: jess dont fight with him..i dont blame him really..dont start a fight because of me..im not worth it
2005-07-27 [Undertow]: not pathetic....ju
2005-07-27 [Homewrecker]: goddamn u make me so fuckin mad!!!!!
2005-07-27 [Undertow]: good..i like making people mad.....it's fun ^__^
2005-07-27 [In_memory_of]: jess dont fight with him really im not worth getting bent over...\
2005-07-27 [iCh3wi]: You know what, I don't care anymore. I will never understand why after all the shit you did to Amber she would still want to be friends with you, but she does. I'm out, later everyone.
2005-07-27 [Homewrecker]: see ya im leavin
2005-07-27 [In_memory_of]: i tired...meh its just not worth getting mad about..or being sad over..
2005-07-27 [Undertow]: i didn't do shit to her..believe me it wasn't me, if i still used the comp i had then i'd send ou the conversation..
2005-07-27 [DenDen]: <--is a myspace whore =D
2005-07-27 [Undertow]: hey me TOO!
2005-07-27 [DenDen]: =O I have a new banner at my temple :P goddess of sin
2005-07-27 [Undertow]: ok i'll check it out
2005-07-27 [DenDen]: k! whats your name on myspace?
2005-07-27 [Undertow]: lateralus_clow
2005-07-27 [DenDen]: ok i added ya!
2005-07-27 [Undertow]: ok
2005-07-27 [DenDen]: ok errr I COULDNT FIND IT!
2005-07-27 [Undertow]: what???? http://www.mys
2005-07-27 [DenDen]: ehe ok THERE it is ehehe oops!
2005-07-27 [Undertow]: okay
2005-07-27 [Homewrecker]: o_0
2005-07-27 [DenDen]: XD im a goof sometimes =O
2005-07-27 [Undertow]: it's aiight we all have our moments of brief insanity or stupidty...som
2005-07-27 [Undertow]: does anyone from waco remember J.C. and the crusifiers?
2005-07-27 [Undertow]: ....i guess not...oh well
2005-07-28 [iCh3wi]: yeah why?
2005-07-28 [d o n e]: Hi-ness everyone..<<;; lol
2005-07-28 [iCh3wi]: Hey Ali
2005-07-28 [death how i long to embrace you]: hello everyone ^_~
2005-07-28 [d o n e]: Hi^^ Okay WAY too much Hi-Ness going on lol
2005-07-28 [death how i long to embrace you]: oh ya you know it
2005-07-28 [Undertow]: just wondering...i just found my copy of thier cd and remembered that reno was a member
2005-07-28 [death how i long to embrace you]: ,ok
2005-07-28 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hey peoples..
2005-07-28 [death how i long to embrace you]: *eye twitches*
2005-07-28 [Homewrecker]: *falls into spasms*
2005-07-28 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: wasnt i just talking to you in another wiki??
2005-07-28 [death how i long to embrace you]: maybe
2005-07-28 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol...that or im seeing things..my head hurts *holds head in hands*
2005-07-28 [death how i long to embrace you]: hee hee hee
2005-07-28 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: yeahhhh.....
2005-07-28 [Shadowsoul]: *sighs*
2005-07-28 [Undertow]: *rolls eyes* oddlings
2005-07-28 [Shadowsoul]: true
2005-07-28 [death how i long to embrace you]: hell yea
2005-07-28 [Shadowsoul]: ......*mumbles to myself*
2005-07-28 [death how i long to embrace you]: yuup
2005-07-28 [Undertow]: *sits down and pulls [shadow soul] down with me* i think i'm just going to sit here and watch
2005-07-28 [Shadowsoul]: *leans against [Undertow] and sighs*
2005-07-28 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: whatch what?/
2005-07-28 [death how i long to embrace you]: * starts to spin *
2005-07-28 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: whatch what?
2005-07-28 [Undertow]: *puts arm round [Shadowsoul] the insuing insanity that is most likely about to begin
2005-07-28 [death how i long to embrace you]: w0otness
2005-07-28 [Ultra Hunger]: we need 11 more people by friday thats 2 days
2005-07-28 [Undertow]: why friday??? that's too short for that competition push the deadline back to next wednesday that way people have a week
2005-07-28 [Shadowsoul]: *sighs*
2005-07-28 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: whos going to go insane?
2005-07-28 [Undertow]: ..no ones gone insane...yet but death is pretty damn close i think
2005-07-28 [death how i long to embrace you]: *shifty eyes* yes i shall
2005-07-28 [Ultra Hunger]: no way Friday is the dead line
2005-07-28 [Shadowsoul]: yeah
2005-07-28 [Ultra Hunger]: because I want the voting to begin friday
2005-07-28 [Undertow]: alrighty then
2005-07-28 [Undertow]: is anyone else out there
2005-07-28 [Shadowsoul]: yep
2005-07-28 [Undertow]: lol, i know your there *smiles*
2005-07-28 [death how i long to embrace you]: crazy crazy
2005-07-28 [Undertow]: yes..you are indeed crazed
2005-07-28 [death how i long to embrace you]: who me?
2005-07-28 [Undertow]: .....i wasn't talking to myself was i?..i hope not atleast....yea
2005-07-28 [death how i long to embrace you]: ohhh i thought you hwere taling to the monkey on your back
2005-07-28 [Undertow]: nah he's just chillin
2005-07-28 [death how i long to embrace you]: okies the cool
2005-07-28 [d o n e]: I have a new picture go look!
2005-07-28 [death how i long to embrace you]: mmmmk
2005-07-28 [Undertow]: ....keeping comments to myself..they tend to offend some of the present company
2005-07-28 [d o n e]: Wow, no one cares^^'' And I didn't ask for anyone opinions..
2005-07-28 [Undertow]: ..HEY! your right..lets see what you win....ABSOLUT
2005-07-28 [d o n e]: Wow...that was...stupid..
2005-07-28 [Undertow]: heh too bad i can't be imbarassed for saying something online
2005-07-28 [d o n e]: I bet you can't..<<;;
2005-07-28 [Undertow]: i can't idk about you but i don't give a flying fuck what people on here think of me
2005-07-28 [d o n e]: And I don't give a sitting fuck of what you think either^^
2005-07-28 [Undertow]: .....and that still sin't going to stop me from saying w/e i feel like
2005-07-28 [d o n e]: Okay.^^''
2005-07-28 [iCh3wi]: OMG, I always am gone when the bad stuff happens. You ok Ali?
2005-07-28 [Undertow]: nothing bad happened
2005-07-28 [d o n e]: Lol, I am okay^^ I was just telling people to look at my new picture, and somone had to be different -glares at undertow-
2005-07-28 [Undertow]: i like being different ^__^ it makes me me
2005-07-28 [iCh3wi]: I will look at it, ok?
2005-07-28 [d o n e]: Score thanks^^ "We're all different that is what makes us the same" lol Thats so cool
2005-07-28 [iCh3wi]: Ali, you need to join my wiki The Gothica Diaries with that picture. And if certain people do not like the wiki, then please stay silent.
2005-07-28 [Undertow]: nah i think i'll just say it to say it..that is the STUPIDSEST WIKI NAME EVER!
2005-07-28 [d o n e]: And you're the stupidest person ever! I'll join^^
2005-07-28 [Undertow]: gee that was really harmful to my nonexistant ego..i'm so hurt i think i'll just go cry like a little baby..BOO HOO
2005-07-28 [d o n e]: Okay go cry^^
2005-07-28 [Undertow]: ...nah i'm having too much fun pissing your emotional ass off
2005-07-28 [d o n e]: Um..you're not pissing me off..I don't know where you got that from -shrugs-
2005-07-28 [Undertow]: ah oh well...
2005-07-28 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: what i miss now
2005-07-28 [Undertow]: nothing just me being a dick and her being and equal bitch right back
2005-07-28 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: iiihi
2005-07-28 [Undertow]: yep, well i gtg for a while i'll talk to you idimajits later on tonight
2005-07-28 [d o n e]: Take your time comming back^^
2005-07-28 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: uhu
2005-07-28 [iCh3wi]: Omg this is getting so old. Your one to talk about stupid wiki's Jarred.
2005-07-28 [Undertow]: i'm sorry but all of my wiki's atleast make since....they aren't just stupidity
2005-07-28 [iCh3wi]: And I'm sorry that you have no imaginationa nd no sense of creativity, or just wanna have pointless fun at times, so shut the hell up and drop it!
2005-07-28 [Homewrecker]: Really Undertow, just shut the fuck up and drop it already.
2005-07-28 [d o n e]: -Agrees with [iCh3wi] and [Homewrecker]- I think you need to take a chill pill Mr. I can do no wrong.
2005-07-28 [death how i long to embrace you]: let me guess undertow is at it agian?
2005-07-28 [d o n e]: Yup
2005-07-28 [death how i long to embrace you]: when is he not lo
2005-07-28 [d o n e]: Lol true^^
2005-07-28 [death how i long to embrace you]: so what are you doing up this late or early which ever you wish to call it
2005-07-28 [d o n e]: just being bored..and like talking to some people
2005-07-28 [death how i long to embrace you]: really that is pretty much the same here
2005-07-28 [d o n e]: lol i have to get up at 8am and its like5:30 lol
2005-07-28 [death how i long to embrace you]: ehh the say fuck it and not go to sleep
2005-07-28 [d o n e]: i don't think i am going to lol
2005-07-28 [death how i long to embrace you]: ok well when you go to sleep sleep good
2005-07-28 [d o n e]: lol....what are YOU doing us so damn early?
2005-07-28 [death how i long to embrace you]: me i dont sleep
2005-07-28 [d o n e]: oh
2005-07-28 [death how i long to embrace you]: yes sorry let me rephrais that i hardly sleep
2005-07-28 [d o n e]: -yawns- I ish tired but no sleeping lol
2005-07-28 [death how i long to embrace you]: why not
2005-07-28 [d o n e]: I'm talking to people lol
2005-07-28 [death how i long to embrace you]: ahhh i see or do i
2005-07-28 [d o n e]: ooo maybe lol
2005-07-28 [death how i long to embrace you]: yes i am a stalker
2005-07-28 [d o n e]: Whoa Oo
2005-07-28 [death how i long to embrace you]: yup yup im stalking you
2005-07-28 [death how i long to embrace you]: now just to find out where you live
2005-07-28 [d o n e]: I live in -whispers- thats where I live^^
2005-07-28 [death how i long to embrace you]: lol w0ot now i can be your stalker...hey but you now know i am no fun
2005-07-28 [Shatureel]: Hiya
2005-07-28 [death how i long to embrace you]: heay
2005-07-28 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: morning everyone
2005-07-28 [death how i long to embrace you]: morning
2005-07-28 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..i swear im not following you..lol
2005-07-28 [Shatureel]: who's following who?
2005-07-28 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..[death how i long to embrace you] is in another wiki that I am in..lol.. no one is following anyone..
2005-07-28 [death how i long to embrace you]: your stalking me arnt you
2005-07-28 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: No!Im not!!! if i wanted to stalk you you would know it..lol...
2005-07-28 [death how i long to embrace you]: or would i?
2005-07-28 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hmmm...*muwaha
2005-07-28 [death how i long to embrace you]: why you sorry?
2005-07-28 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: i dont know..damnit my bf does that all the time and it pisses me off when he appologizes for nothing or somethiing he cant ontrol and now he is rubbing off on me...*cries*
2005-07-28 [Shatureel]: *pats her head* Don't cry,, please
2005-07-28 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: *stops crying*ok...
2005-07-28 [death how i long to embrace you]: *hugs* it is ok
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